The brand new Bundahis, Bahman Yast, and you will Shayast La-Shayast, transl

The brand new Bundahis, Bahman Yast, and you will Shayast La-Shayast, transl

Dina-i Mainog-we Khirad (otherwise Opinions of one’s Spirit of Expertise)

PAHLAVI Messages. Part We. EW West (1880) SBE 5. Oxford: Clarendon. That it and further quantities change surviving theological and legal messages (since recognized regarding the 1880s) out of Zoroastrianism, assumed to help you result from Avestan messages now-lost. Translator comments to the of several problems and you can uncertainties of their really works. Cards here are extremely tentative. Bundahis (or the Brand new Design). ch. XV: 1-5 (transl. pp. 52-54), creation story, very first guy and you may very first lady, and you may a tree “whoever fruits was the latest 10 designs of people” – having notice to help you XV: 31 (pp. 59-60) where footnote 6 discusses 10 varieties of ‘monsters’, remembering legends away from uncommon races inside the India. Note and racial distinction from inside the ch. XXIII: 1-dos (p. 87), today grossly unpleasant. ch. II: 97, fnt.5 (p. 270), significance of ‘armest’, and ‘lame, crippled, immobility’. V: 1-dos (pp. 290-91) implies degree out-of children’s obligations to possess completely wrong chatter during the prayer time: as much as 5 years, zero fault; of four to help you seven, e into dad; seven to fifteen, higher quantity of youth’s responsibility. V: 7 (pp. 292-93) excuses deaf and dumb individual that don’t build right a reaction to prayers. VI: 1-dos, “The fresh deaf and dumb and you will powerless” (‘armest’: footnote dos provides probable definition right here, “a keen idiot, or wild individual”), in the event regarding right behavior and mood, “is actually unable to undertaking good really works”. X: thirty-five (p. 332), a lady are complement some priestly obligations certainly feminine; footnote 6 cites Avestan passageway where “people lady who is not feeble-minded” can create certain priestly responsibilities having students.

PAHLAVI Messages. Region II. Brand new Dadistan-i Dinik while the Epistles regarding Manuskihar, transl. EW Western (1882) SBE 18. Oxford: Clarendon. Dadistan-i Dinik (or Spiritual Opinions regarding Manuskihar young buck of Yudan-Yim, Dastur of Pars and you may Kirman, Good.D. 881). ch. LXII: 4, toward inheritance, appears to suggest that an effective young buck (or his spouse) “who is blind both in attention, or crippled [armest – see early in the day annotation] both in legs, otherwise maimed in his hand” get twice the show away from an able-bodied son, a type of positive discrimination allegedly on such basis as you want. Epistles of Manuskihar. Epistle II, ch. I: thirteen (p. 329), ref. so you’re able to “Zaratust new clubfooted (apafrobd)”. Footnote dos implies a current person titled Z., “that has endeavoured in order to cover the deformity one to disqualified your” about highest priesthood. Pick as well as Addition (p. xxvi). Appendix. III, with the meaning of Khvetuk-Das, ‘next-of-kin marriage’. p. 407 revealing risks of divorce proceedings, states “vice and you will scam while the heartache out-of deformity” once the defects which could privately become associated with one.

Shayast Los angeles-Shayast (or the Correct and Improper)

PAHLAVI Texts. Part III. Dina-i Mainog-we Khirad; Sikand-Gumanik Vigar; Unfortunate Dar, transl. EW Western (1885) SBE 24. Oxford: Clarendon. Ch. XV: 1-six and you can footnote 2 (p. 42), describes “the newest poorest and most secluded (armesttum) person” (discover prior to annotation on the ‘armest’) whom retains trustworthiness into the thought, term and you may action, will receive a beneficial works imputed so you can him no matter if unable to in fact undertaking for example work. Ch. XXVI: 4-six, (p. 56), the brand new blind person who enjoys hit training and you can information “is usually to be regarded as sound-eyed”. XXXVII: thirty-six (p. 75), blessedness of 1 “exactly who brings lodging accommodation to the ill and you can remote [‘armest’] and you may buyers”. Sikand-Gumanik Vigar (or the Question-Dispelling Cause). V: 63-64 (p. 144), if an eye, ear canal, nose, limb etc was disabled, among the many other organ is not any replace. X: 64 (p. 170), mention of the “instructions gestures” certainly one of ways in which Zoroaster preached and you will sure King Gustasp. XII: 64-70 (p. 207), loss of sight numbers which have dark, ignorance etc during the a list of “demoniacal peculiarities”. Unfortunate Dar of your own Hundred Sufferers. Ch. LXIV: 2-5 (pp. 326-27), penalties to have theft were cute hot Metro girl amputation away from ear and (during the 3rd offence) off right-hand, together with a fine and you will jail sentence.

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